Ghost Rock 365
A generative NFT series of one-of-a-kind portraits representing the ambiguity and beauty of the human condition. Each facial expression is designed to generate its own random unique visual voice/identity in the NFT universe and beyond. Each impression (person), represents a day of the calendar year, exhibiting 365 portrayals of feeling in the collection.
Ghost Rock portraits are derived by fusing multiple emotions of facial elements from Christian's vast analog library of drawings and paintings. The randomization of these facial elements and emotions, create a unique, deep-rooted expression and identity. Each passionate visage represents the unpredictable disposition and emotional range that results from trauma, elation, misery and euphoria that complements a deeply lived life experience.
UNITS: 365
VIEW ON: StacksArt
Directions on how to purchase a Ghost Rock 365 NFT on StacksArt (which is secured by #Bitcoin).
Buy #STX on okcoin, kucoin, or binance (or swap #BTC, #ETH, etc.)
Download the Hiro Wallet Chrome extension here: (similar to Ethereum’s MetaMask)
Send #STX to Hiro wallet, visit, connect Hiro wallet to buy NFTs.